Wednesday 18 September 2013

This week's posts have been rescheduled due to. . . pain.

I've put on a wee bit of beef that last couple months, culminating in topping 14 stone (only briefly though!) in July. Well, "that's enough of that" I said, so I've been cycling and doing some weights recently, but the other day I started back running.

The only plausible explanation I can think of is that I suddenly gained twenty or so years, because I'm an absolute wreck!  Cricket is my sport of choice, so running more than 22 yards in one go is a bit unusual for me.  Still, I ran for the university athletics club and that wasn't that long ago, was it?  In fact, I feel pretty good during the runs, it's when everything seizes up afterwards that's the problem; legs (obviously,) arse, abs, shoulders, neck, everything.  I even slept on the couch last night, instead of facing the torture of the staircase! Ugh.

So, I do have a couple posts to put up, but every time I've sat down to write this week, I've fallen asleep (to be fair, work is unexpectedly hectic, so that's not helping.)  Some pics should hopefully appear here soon then as well as some thoughts on a new card game I've picked up. Until then, zzzzzzzzzzzz.


  1. 14 stone? I wish? That's one of my legs!

  2. Hang in there. I too am trying to return to running after time off due to illness. Pain management is the key. Ice, heating pads and lots of anti-inflammatories. I took a hot bath and 4 ibuprofen after a run day before bed. Being able to sleep helps you heal much better. Also stretch more than you think you need to. Good luck.
