Saturday 19 May 2012

Hoplites - Work In Progress

Not a bad days work, 24 Warlord Games Hoplites assembled and undercoated.  I'd forgotten how long it takes to get plastic minis assembled!  Overall, the figures go together easily enough, some of the spear arms don't line up flat against the body, but that wasn't really a big deal.  I've left off the shield arms to make painting easier.

Sixteen of the Hoplites have linen linothorax, while the other eight are unarmoured.  The best (and most elaborately) armoured Hoplites would be at the head of the phalanx with the less well armed would be at the rear.  This mix should give me two ranks of armoured and one rank of unarmoured Hoplites, although I may mix them around when it comes to basing them.

The skin has been basecoated and washed and the tunics have been basecoated in a couple different colours.  One thing I've noticed about using the wet palette is that it makes doing multiple thin coats of paint a doddle!

Most of the helmets come with separate plumes and this does give you a nice variety to use, but these helmets all have a groove cut in them for this.  As I wanted some of the helmets to be plain bronze, I filled in some of the gaps before painting.  It's just a little detail, but I think it looks appropriate 


  1. What a versatile set; I love the guys with the raised crests. I am partial to fully armored hoplites over the later lighter armed types. Best, Dean

    1. Yeah, great set, lots of options. The set covers a period of upwards of 200 years, so it won't please everyone. I plan to use the armoured guys in the first couple ranks and the unarmoured guys towards the rear.

      Greek city states had citizen armies, who had to provide their arms themselves, so the richest would be the best armed while the poorer citizens would be less well protected (the poorest would end up as skirmishers and light troops.)
