Friday, 18 May 2012

British Heavy Mortar Platoon

Feeling a bit more human today, so I managed to finish basing the mortar platoon.  I started these as a distraction and found them enjoyable enough to paint.

I tried a different way of creating a bush/hedge, but, to be honest, it looks exactly like my previous efforts.  I am quite happy with how the flock looks though - one tip I read somewhere was using multiple layers of flock/pva to get a thicker coverage and the colour mix you want.  Up next. . . Hoplites! ! !

P.S.  Tried to put all the images into one big image, but I don't think it opens out to the right size.  Anyone have any suggestions?  Like with the washing machine, I have an innate inability to use Photoshop.


  1. The y look really nice, I love the basing. I'm not sure about sticking all the pictures into one big picture as it doesn't let you have that big a close up.

    Are these going to be fighting in WWPD's opertion Sealion?

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I thought the pic would open up at actual size. I'll try something different next time.

      Haven't been following their campaign yet, but hopefully get a couple games with my Fallschirmjager in June.

      Btw, have your DAK played a game yet?
