Monday, 18 November 2013


Along with another forty nine, slightly barmy bloggers, I've signed up for The Fourth Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge  Curt very kindly offered previous entrants the chance to sign up for the challenge last week and I'm stoked that I had managed to get a place on board.

Curt has introduced two big changes this year; by allowing non-historical figures in the challenge for the first time and by introducing themed bonus rounds.  The diversity and quality of last years challenge was immense, widening the field can only be a good thing!  I've already picked out some figures for the first bonus round; non-combatants.

The entrance fee this year is to provide Curt with "a single 28mm figure that is inspired by a Sam Peckinpah film."  I use the term "fee" loosely as Curt actually donates cash to a local charity for each figure he receives. For the third painting challenge, we were asked to paint up a 28mm Samurai figure for him, my entry was this guy:

There are definitely no cowboy or similar figures in my lead pile, so looks like I'll have to hit the 'Bay to find something appropriate.  Of course, that sounds like the perfect excuse opportunity to pick up the Dead Man's Hand rulebook while I'm there, maybe some extra figures too...

The challenge is points based, awarded for each painted figure based mainly on scale and how generous Curt is feeling!  Although he puts up a league table, the only competition is with yourself.  In fact, the most enjoyable aspect from last year was how supportive the participants were.  I'm going to aim for the same points tally I set for last year, 1000 points. It's ambitious, very ambitious, but it's probably what I need to kick my painting mojo into action again.

Although the challenge last year started well enough for me, my progress never recovered from a string of bad news that began last new year (enough about that though, I've adopted a no-whining policy from now on!)  This year, I think I'll be able to plan a lot more and learn some lessons from last year.

The first big task for the next few weeks is to prep everything that might possibly be entered. Last year, I totally misjudged this and was still sanding, filing and basing long after I should have picked up the paintbrush.

Next up is some sort of schedule of what to paint and by when.  Having a list and some deadlines written down should help me stay on track and keep the motivation levels up.

Lastly, I need to find an easy(ish) and effective way of taking pictures of figures.  At the moment, the pics I take are either washed out from too much light or are tinged from the coloured lightbulbs in the house.  Add into the fact I hate taking pictures, something set up, ready to use will save a lot of headaches in the coming months.

Best of luck to everyone entering.  Best get preppin'


  1. Good luck with that!
    PD: it is "VamOnos"

  2. good luck if you want advice tips on taking quick pictures drop me an email I will jot some down.
    Peace James

    1. Thanks for the offer. I'll drop you a line soon then!

  3. Glad to see another old face is in on the gig. The friendships from the whole event just makes this a must return session


    1. Less of the "old" fella! Looking forward to seeing what everyone produces this year; looking forward more to the trash talk that comes with it!

  4. Its great to have you with us again Vladd! Looking forward to seeing how everyone crashes along over the coming months.

  5. Here's to a much better year for you!

  6. Good luck! Don't call me barmy though... madman will do :-)

  7. Best of luck and may the hansomest painter that counts Francis out.

    1. Hansomest? Doesn't that rule more than 98% of us out then? There's only one lass likely to win then!

  8. Good Luck Vlad! I think you're right about the list.

    1. Not just the painting list. I've been planning what audiobooks to listen too and what movies to catch up on while painting.
